Backlink Count Incorrect [Show HTTP & HTTPS backlink sum in SERP overview]
under review

Harris Roberts
The number of backlinks that shows in the SERP overview is just the number of backlinks that point to the current version of the site. This is misleading. A site with 500 backlinks to the http version of the page may only show 3 backlinks if they just switched to https. It would be great to show the total number of links and RDs in the SERP.
How are we expected to check the competition when the backlink data is not correct?
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Tim Soulo
under review

Jason Roberts
Sure about that? Check out here:
if I understood correctly in your case the backlinks number in overview is not equal to the overall number both http + https. In my case it seems like this is not valid?!

Harris Roberts
Jason Roberts: it works there fine. But go look at a serp for a keyword. The number of backlinks and domains only references the https version.

Jason Roberts
Harris Roberts: Yeah, you are right, sorry. Actually when I look at the serp overview the ref domains and backlinks stats are quite different from both http, https or combined. So, I have a third number there. Obviously the data seems not to be synced but taking into account serp overview is presenting real time data (?!) I guess it's normal...
Joseph Robison