The workings of the setting "Remove URL parameters" should be changed ...
Expectation was: it only counts for incoming or sitemap links (this links pointing TO our own site)
And logically I would also say it counts ONLY for links IN THE BODY of the HTML
The problem now is that links in the header are also stripped from params: but this creates real crawl problems like missing fonts (see how google fonts are loaded) or nginx pagespeed resources are loaded ... so as a result
  1. the ahrefs crawler is seeing a site different from the user experiences
  2. is reporting errors for uris like "" but in essence the uri is ",400,700" and loads the font
To be clear I would not call header links, links, they are resources (and not seen by users)
Improvement: chane the workings of this setting to remove params only to inlinks pointing to our website and NOT to links found in the header of pages.
Improvement: create a new setting that does just that like above. So there is another switch to obtain the correct result
Now it is just reporting unnecessary false positives