Domain Comparison Ability to Export
Tabby Farrar
Came to add this suggestion and realised it's already here - would really love to be able to export from the domain comparisons, would save a lot of time!
Really need a way to export it. Very time consuming to manually enter the data for each domain
Courtney-Leigh Oakes
Bizarre that this isn't already an option. People have been asking for years!
Danielle Devereux
this would be awesome to be able to show clients a side by side comparison of all data
Michael Lorenzos
This please
Tim Soulo
Merged in a post:
Domain Comparrison Tool
Carl Poxon
Could you please provide a way for the data on the Domain comparisson tool to be downloaded. I realise you can currently save the charts but was hoping to be able to download the table data too.
I was going to leave this comment, but I guess I already did.