Activity is extending from one account into another after logging out.
I was just in my own Ahrefs account doing keyword research for a client project. I finished, signed out, then signed back in via a different client's account.
It put me right back onto the keyword search results page I had just been on, so now it looks like I used a client's account for keyword research that has nothing to do with their project, which looks like an abuse of their account.
I brought it to their attention immediately, and fortunately, they were understanding, but this should not happen. When I sign out of one account, and sign into another, I should go to the Dashboard page. Information from one account should not carry over into another.
Luckily, these two clients are in completely different verticals. But if they were in similar verticals, in addition to the appearance of abusing their account, this could also inadvertently reveal target keywords and products to a competitor.
Both potential assumptions could result in someone losing a client or a job.
It's not unreasonable to expect that when I sign out of an account and sign into another, I'll start at the Dashboard page both times. Every time.
Thank you.