Global Search Volume
Andrey Kirillov
Now you can see Global Search Volume in all Keyword Ideas reports!
Adam Nowek
Andrey Kirillov: Is this coming to the Rank Tracker? That would be even more useful for my team's workflow.
Fedor Fokin
Adam Nowek: Hey Adam, we aren't planning this for RT at the moment, but you can raise the priority by creating a request:
Adam Nowek
This would be the single-most important feature that I could request!
Martin Oddy
It'd be ace to get an update on this, I believe it's been on the radar for 2+ years
Aditya Aman
Waiting eagerly for this update
vijay abbc
Absolutely this is more important feature. How come the team doesn't think in this way
vijay abbc
At least we should have regional selection option
Liz Madeley
Absolutely agree with this and glad it's being planned!
YES! Please ADD global search volume in the list!
A lot of buisnesses are international and are searching for GLOBAL search volume.
Also it will be nice if you can see search volume GLOBALLY by language - for example English globally that would take English searches from Singapore, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK etc etc
Or English searches from Germany
or French searches from Canada + France.
Benjamin Maniere
My company wants to engage with people based on the language they use for searching things on the Internet, and not their country of origin. It's very interesting to know the share of searches by market, but, having the US metrics by default for English is not relevant to me. It's like imposing hard borders and strong tariffs in a free-trade economy. Many people, especially the new generations, search for things in English as English is the language of the Internet. To me (personal and professional opinion based on my use case), this is a huge blocker to use Ahrefs.
Tim Soulo
Merged in a post:
Global Search Volume in keyword List
There should be global search volume in the keyword explorer list. If anyone want country specific then they can select country but if anyone wants global search volume in the list there is no option for that.
Peter Michael
I'm totally new with ahrefs and I noticed this quickly. My website is global but mostly in Europe. Can we also have regional options like Europe?
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