Date comparisons
Jarron White
The new Rank Tracker dashboard has an extremely limited 'comparison date' filter compared to the legacy dashboard. It was super useful to be able to compare date ranges (e.g. month vs. month, week vs. week etc.), especially when completing monthly or quarterly reports. The current daily view is very limited in comparison.
If you could expand this date range functionality that'd be very useful!
Fedor Fokin As detailed in my previous comment, this is not complete – are you planning on fixing this, or is this feature permanently broken?
Again: can you bring back the old version until the new version has feature parity with it? I literally can't get at the data I need for my monthly client report.
Fedor Fokin
Benish , apologies for the delayed response. The old version handled data the same way as the new one. For example, when selecting "Last 30 days," we compared two dates — the beginning and the end of the period. Therefore, the selected period only affected the change values, while the main values always reflected data as of the period's end (not the average over that period).
Let me know if you have any questions!
Fedor Fokin Thanks for clarifying. I definitely thought that choosing a time range (e.g. all of February) was showing me the average value for that chosen time range. So it sounds like I can get similar numbers to what I was getting before by choosing the last day of the time period.
But I'm way more interested in what I though I was getting: the average for the selected period. When I'm sending a report to my client we don't care about the value for the last day of the month, we want to understand performance for each metric across the entire month (the average across the selected range).
Fedor Fokin
Benish, the Performance section's metrics (on the screenshot) display averages when Monthly granularity is selected, and this data can be exported. Does this solve your issue, or would you like to calculate averages for some other data as well?
Fedor Fokin Yep, that's exactly what I was looking for. Not sure how I missed that – I guess I was more focused on the numbers in that top section. Thanks!
Fedor Fokin Thanks for the update here, but I don't think this is complete (unless I'm missing something).
I do see the option to choose a custom date range (e.g. an entire month) on the Dashboard overview / list of Projects, like in your screen capture. That's great, but the data I see in that view is very limited. For example, there is no way to filter data based on tags.
When I drill down into the Rank Tracker details for a particular project I can only select a specific date rather than a range (e.g. last month):
I need to get things like average position for last month for all keywords in my "brand" tag. This was trivial before, and I've been reporting this data for my client for ~9 months… now it seems like this capability is gone?
Also, the tag chooser is much harder to use – there used to be a way to select all tags or just select a specific tag when multiple tags were selected.
Can you bring back the old version until the new version has feature parity with it? I literally can't get at the data I need for my monthly client report.
Fedor Fokin
The Rank Tracker dashboard now supports custom ranges.
Fedor Fokin
in progress
Fedor Fokin
+1. I've been sending my client monthly reports with monthly data – the new Rank Tracker seems to have just gotten rid of this ability?!?
I'm shocked at how many things seems to be worse in version 2.0… why are you retiring the old version before the new one has all the features your customers rely on?