Search in keywords: contains word "x," does not contain word "y"
Fedor Fokin
The keyword filter in Rank Tracker's Overview 2.0 is now more advanced and includes "contains" and "doesn't contain" options.
As for the tag filter, it doesn't have similar functionality at the moment. We'll keep you updated on any changes in this post:
Brent Meulenberg
Brent Meulenberg
The search functionality in Rank Tracker is very limited right now. When I want to add tags to the tracked keywords, I need to put in a lot of (in my eyes, unnecessary) effort to find semantically matching keywords. For instance, in the tracked keyword list, when searching for [mountain] it does find [mountain bike], but doesn't find [mountainbike].
Having multiple rules for the search box would help a lot.
Or in the case I describe above, just having the search box work inclusive instead of exclusive, would help a lot as well
Tim Soulo
Tim Soulo
under review
need more details :)
Tim Soulo
hey Jessica Grammer ! :)
I'm trying to better understand this feature request.. Is this something that could be solved by adding multiple tags to keywords, and then filtering by keywords that have tag "X" but not tag "Y" ?
I.e. this feature request -->
Or are you thinking of some different functionality?